Green H2 Breakthrough Technology

CRUSE Offshore GmbH (COG) is going to deploy patent pending offshore floating H2 technology in combination with existing infrastructure and generates green hydrogen at a highly competitive price in offshore locations across the globe – a key component to decarbonize industrial processes of all kinds.

4 key reasons for economic superiority


Disconnecting from the electricity grid connection the offshore wind farm saves up to 50% of the CAPEX of the total costs [1] and in addition to it, COG is independent of high electricity prices (drastic reduction of OPEX). The electricity generated by the floating offshore wind turbine is immediately and completely consumed by hydrogen production.


The energy production of a wind turbine increases exponentially by the third power of the wind speed. For example, an increase in wind speed from 8 m/s to 10 m/s results in a power increase of about 100 %. Therefore, it is of great importance that the hydrogen generation farm is placed in a continuously windy area.


The rather expensive electrolyzer is supplied 24/7 throughout the year with the maximum possible free harvested wind energy and produces the sought-after green hydrogen.

Easy storage*

Storing hydrogen in Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers (LOHCs) makes the hydrogen non-hazardous, storable in normal oil industry tanks without loss over time, and transportable with existing oil infrastructure such as tankers and trucks.

*Alternative 04.

In addition to its use as a fertilizer, green ammonia will be used as an energy source in the future and can also be burned e.g. in gas turbines or ship engines [2]. The production of it is based on hydrogen electrolysis but additionally, nitrogen is needed. The ambient air consists of about 78% nitrogen and this can be extracted from it in unlimited quantities. The gaseous ammonia is then produced by synthesis. Small plants based on this principle are already being produced by ThyssenKrupp nucera. Cooled down to -33°C, the gas liquefies and will be stored in insulated tanks on the floating structure until it is transported away by shuttle tankers once a month.

Patent pending

Breakthrough Technology

A Fossil Free Future

The scalable GW H2 farms are being planned in windy areas of Europe, as there are also many industrial ports nearby, often connected to an inland waterway grid where e.g. the steel and chemical industries can use the hydrogen immediately.

Later on, heavy traffic, aviation, and other industries will probably be added to the list as demand increases. Germany is an energy-importing country that is pushing the switch from fossil fuels to renewable energies.

Innovation meets Passion

In Depth

Our Vision

Supply chain with existing infrastructure.
Source: COG

Long-term mean wind speed (1989-2018) at a height of 100 m for Europe.
Source: ©Björn Witha, ForWind

Preliminary layout of Porcupine Bank H2 generation farm on nautical chart. Source: TRANSAS/COG

Across Europe

Parallel to this, further GW hydrogen farms are also being planned worldwide in windy sea areas that are close to industrial sites. For example, Offshore H2 Generation Farms in Scotland, Norway, South Korea, at the US west and east coasts.

Sea transport to industrial EU ports, sea chart with water depths.
Source: Navionics/COG

Well Engineered

Ready for Mass Production

All installed supplier series components have at least Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 9. COG has completed TRL 4 for the floater and plans to build a 5 MW prototype with the marinized components, followed by a 15 MW version for mass production. For this project, COG has established an industrial team, which is also supported scientifically by the renowned Technical University of Hamburg (TUHH) for the offshore/shipbuilding and the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) for the LOHC technology.

Schematic Process Illustration.
Source: COG

Wave tank test of the HyStOH research project.
Source: TUHH/COG

Staying afloat

The floating H2 Generator

Parallel to this, further GW hydrogen farms are also being planned worldwide in windy sea areas that are close to industrial sites. For example, Offshore H2 Generation Farms in Scotland, Norway, South Korea, at the US west and east coasts.

General Arrangement of the Floating H2 Generator.
Source: COG

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